Nurturing Your Inner Garden - Roxana Roshon, Naturotherapist, Ph.D.

Turtle Taxi & Saturn Returns

Posted June 7, 2024

Since my May newsletter, we have multiple updates. It is fun to share these adventures and perspectives with you.

Turtle Taxi
On Monday May 20th, Steve and I had a little adventure. We were driving slowly home from our bush property near North Bay. On Highway 89 near Shelburne, Steve spotted a very large injured snapping turtle (a species of special concern) on the gravel shoulder. He turned around and we assessed the situation. The turtle’s carapace was cracked through and he had been struggling for awhile. Just before this trip, Steve had read about the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre. Steve called their hotline and a knowledgeable volunteer provided instructions. We quickly emptied a plastic tote and Steve gently and gingerly placed the turtle in his temporary transportation container. As Steve rushed us to a vet outside of Rockwood, I held the turtle in his tote on my lap. I offered this living creature Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, and activated acupressure points. The vet taped up the turtle’s carapace and the turtle was transported to the recovery center in Peterbourgh the next day. 

Saturn Returns

That next day (May 21st) was the day my body turned sixty years young! In astrology, we all have “Saturn Return” periods in our late twenties, late fifties, and late eighties. Saturn Return gives us an opportunity to reflect on our last thirty years and consciously decide what we want for our next thirty years. I didn’t know about this in my late twenties as I struggled with graduate school. When I started my Ph.D. at twenty-five, I set the goal to finish this degree at or before my thirtieth birthday. It took me an additional two years to complete this project. My outlook at sixty is so different than who I was at thirty. I realize that my perspective has shifted so I focus on what’s working and what fills me up. I look forward to another thirty plus years of being my best self.

Being my best,